Monday, January 15, 2007

Day 6 - Afternoon

This afternoon we visited the headquarters of World Relief Cambodia. There mission is to work with the Church to alleviate human suffering in Cambodia in the name of Jesus Christ.

They build the local church and mobilize children and youth to practice a biblical response to HIV/AIDS prevention. They also offer compassionate support and care to families affected by AIDS.

They took us to an AIDS house in the slums where patients are cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It was unlike anything we had ever seen before. The women shared with us their stories and testimonies to how they came to Christ.

One woman shared with us how she had died for at least eight hours. While she was dead, she dreamed that someone appeared and said that she had to choose between Jesus and Buddha. That is when she chose Jesus! Today she is alive and doing well!

Another women shared how she began to vomit blood because of being so sick with AIDS. She began to pray day and night that if God was Almighty He would help her. She has never thrown up blood since and is now living fairly well with AIDS.

From a Western mindset, these stories almost seem unbelievable. We would all say that we believe in the Bible but do we believe in the Living God who is still active and present by His Spirit? Do we still believe that God is a powerful healer and transformer in the lives of those who desperately need Him?

We shared with them that if Jesus were to come to Phnom Penh, this is where He would choose to be! They wanted to pray for us that we would have a safe trip home...their joy and hope even in the most difficult of circumstances moved us beyond what words could express.

Photos to follow soon!!!! It's time for a Cambodian dinner!!

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