Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 4-5

Well we are still plugging along here in the heart of Cambodia. Yesterday we traveled out of the city to a small village to spend time with a group called RDI (Resource Development International - Cambodia). These men and women are amazing! They are a group of cutting edge scientists who look for ways to improve clean water, sanitation, etc. There's too much to list...and truth be told, a lot I don't understand! Basically they are reshaping Cambodia!

They do research partnerships with MIT, Stanford, University of North Carolina and several other universities. In addition to research and development they are sharing the gospel in incredibly creative ways. One of their ministries is a karaoke ministry!! I know I's huge in Cambodia! Perhaps a new ministry for Pastor Matt? :)

We also spent some time floating down the Mekong River...we were in a boat! We traveled to a small village. You'll see pictures from one of the silk factories we visited.

We were told that Cambodians don't believe in forgiveness. They think the gods toy with human beings. The gods don't care, certainly don't love, and for the most part torment humans. Can you think of a better place for the gospel of Jesus to take root and spread? Pray that as we plant seeds, God would water them, and in years to come we would see Cambodia transformed by God's grace and love.
It's Sunday now, so we rest for a big week of ministry ahead of us! Please keep us in your prayers. We ask that you would pray for emotional, physical, and spiritual protection. The enemy is powerful, but greater still is the Spirit of God working through the lives and prayers of His people.

Blessings from Cambodia

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