Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 7 - Afternoon

Remember Nhu

Jesus continues to amaze us with opportunities to be His presence. This afternoon is hard to put into words, but we will do our best. There will be pictures of Day 7 to follow soon.

This afternoon was an open afternoon to follow-up on ministries of interest. Terry and I visited a ministry here in Phnom Penh called Remember Nhu. This ministry is a school for girls who are at risk of being sold into the sex trade industry. We were able to meet Nhu, who is now a young woman who had been rescued out of the sex trade industry.

The girls are referred to the school by pastors who have been notified that their parents intend to sell them to the sex trade industry.

We spent the afternoon helping them learn English, teaching Bible stories, and singing songs. Terry brought a Polaroid camera (thanks to his ever thoughtful wife Susan) which was the craze of the afternoon! We also provided them with afternoon snacks...OREO cookies!!!

There was so much excitement that kids from down the street flocked to the school to see what was going on. These kids wanted to learn English worship songs really bad (so bad they were willing to endure Terry and I singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children"). Unfortunately the video of this worship service was lost forever...:)

Please pray for this school where girls are not only learning English, but most importantly, learning about Jesus. We told them the story of Jesus leaving the 99 to go after the one lost sheep. I described how we are all sheep who wander off, but Jesus comes to rescue us from danger. Given these girls background, this story took on all new significance for us. One girl commented that she was like the sheep that ran away, but Jesus found her and brought her back to safety!

Not a bad day for Jesus!!! Blessings from Cambodia...where God's Kingdom is growing!

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